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- Services | Scylla
SERVICES Our customer services include comprehensive support to farming, fishing, post-harvest, trading and logistic components of mud crab value chains. We work in partnership with business owners to effectively and efficiently produce quality products, whilst reducing waste and maximising profits. Assistance is also provided to Government agencies, NGOs and regional organisations to support the sustainability of mud crab farming and mud crab fisheries management. Mud crab hatchery development Expert advice and engineering solutions to retrofit an existing hatchery, or design new facilities. Our Scylla 200® mud crab hatchery, incorporating RAS technology, is modular & can be scaled & configured to meet your requirements. Soft shell mud crab facilities Design & develop new soft shell crab ‘bridge’ systems. Critically review existing SSC production facilities, supply chains & water management to improve key production parameters & reduce mortalities. Mud crab fishery management Our team can provide comprehensive reviews of, or develop mud crab fisheries management plans, establish monitoring systems for Fisheries agencies and detail integrated research programs to underpin the sustainability of mud crab fisheries. Holding facilities and logistics Guidance and bespoke engineered advice to keep your crabs happy and healthy on farm, in transit and in wholesale or retail settings, to maximise product quality & minimise waste. Markets Targeted local & international market research & advice. Feasibility studies & business plans Provision of professional pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, to ensure you venture into your mud crab business is with a clear understanding of the potential risks, rewards and options. Guidance can be provided on the development of your business plan to streamline start-up & assist in fundraising. Advice to meet Government regulations & best practice environmental management also available. Training & HR Focused training and provision of experienced mud crab technical staff, for short or long-term deployment available. Post harvest processing Provide soft shell or hard shell crab post-harvest & packing options to meet your customers’ needs, international standards, HACCP, & other audited food safety programs. Includes staff training. Nursery and farm development Systems design and Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) developed for reliable mud crab nursery and farming operations for both hard shell & soft shell mud crab farming ventures. Siting your mud crab facilities Finding a home for your farm can be challenging. We can support & guide you to find a suitable site for your hatchery, farm, or processing & packing facility. GIS (Geographic Information System) tools can be used to fast-track site selection. (Image by Myckle Tibubos)
- Contact | Scylla
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- Scylla Mud Crab Consultancy | Mud crab aquaculture
Nurturing mud crab success, from hatchery to harvest Mud crabs, Scylla species Scylla Mud Crab Consultancy supports the sustainable farming and fisheries management of all four species of mud crab through our fully integrated professional consultancy services, technological innovation, system design, engineering and a deep understanding of mud crab biology, physiology and value chains. We are the leading international consultancy group for mud crabs We provide comprehensive consultancy services to the mud crab farming sector. We are the international leaders in mud crab farming systems, from RAS mud crab hatcheries to the design of complete soft-shell and hard-shell farming systems. Scylla and its team of associates have extensive experience in mud crab fisheries management and can provide independent advice and assistance to fishers, government agencies and NGOs with regard to sustainable fisheries management, conservation and industry development. Read more Scylla value proposition Mud crab hatchery development Soft shell mud crab facilities (SSC) Mud crab fishery management Nursery and farm development Expert advice and engineering solutions to retrofit an existing hatchery, or design new facilities. Our Scylla 200® mud crab hatchery, incorporating RAS technology, is modular & can be scaled & configured to meet your requirements. Design & develop new SSC ‘bridge’ systems. Critically review existing SSC production facilities, supply chains & water management to improve key production parameters & reduce mortality. Our team can provide comprehensive reviews of, or develop mud crab fisheries management plans, establish monitoring systems for Fisheries agencies and detail integrated research programs to underpin the sustainability of mud crab fisheries. Systems design and Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) developed for reliable mud crab nursery and farming operations for both hard shell & soft shell mud crab farming ventures. If you’d like more information about our services, get in touch today. Get in Touch
- About | Scylla
ABOUT OUR BUSINESS Scylla Mud Crab Consultancy, collaborates with a range of associates in different fields (aquaculture engineering, post-harvest, marketing, nutrition, aquaculture, farm management and systems design) to provide a comprehensive and trusted service to clients in mud crab aquaculture. In addition Scylla works with clients in tropical aquaculture development, strategy and policy development. It also provides specialist consultancy services in tropical aquaculture. Colin Shelley Founder Scylla was founded by Dr Colin Shelley, an internationally recognised expert in mud crab aquaculture, with over 30 years of experience in the sector. Having led mud crab R&D in Australia to commercialise hatchery and nursery technology, together with Scylla’s associates, the group has developed mud crab enterprises in the Pacific, Asia and Africa, working with a variety of commercial partners and international organisations. Get in Touch Our Clients Consultancy services have been delivered in countries including Australia, Bangladesh, China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Kenya, Micronesia, New Caledonia, Philippines, Malaysia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Myanmar, Singapore, Tanzania, Tonga and Vietnam, consulting for various international organisations such as the FAO, WorldFish, the Wildlife Conservation Society, ACIAR and private sector businesses.
- Mud crab aquaculture: A practice manual | Scylla
< Back Mud crab aquaculture: A practice manual Authored a manual on mud crab aquaculture for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has commissioned the development of a comprehensive manual on mud crab aquaculture, aiming to provide a valuable resource for farmers, aquaculture practitioners, and policymakers involved in the sustainable cultivation of mud crabs. Read it on the link below: https://www.fao.org/3/ba0110e/ba0110e.pdf The FAO's manual on mud crab aquaculture serves as a comprehensive guide, promoting sustainable practices, economic viability, and environmental responsibility in the cultivation of mud crabs. Previous Next
- Current | Scylla
CURRENT PROJECTS Texchem, Myanmar Support the development and modernization of their barramundi hatchery and farming operation, which included the first shipment of fingerlings from Australia, construction of expanded barramundi nursery facilities, establishing farm management software and organising some R&D on the microbiome of mud crab nursery and pond systems in partnership with Kytos. Reviewed and examined opportunities to improve the efficiency and productivity of their soft shell mud crab farming operation and that of their many contract farmers. This included considerations of their raw material supply value chain, logistics, pond design, feeding strategy and operation. CrabsAlive Ltd, Kenya Led the development and re-design of CrabsAlive mud crab hatchery and operating procedures. This has resulted in the first hatchery produced mud crabs in Kenya, which to the best of our knowledge, is also a first for Africa. Scylla also provided one of its trained technicians to lead its hatchery team. FAO expert workshop on mud crab aquaculture Working with the FAO and a small steering committee, organised and ran a workshop in Singapore in late 2023, bringing together over 20 experts from 12 mud crab producing countries to review both the status and future needs of the sector. The proceedings will be published in 2024. Agrata Group Joined the Agrata Group in constructing the first industrial scale mud crab hatchery, incorporating RAS technology into both its larval rearing and broodstock holding operations, using the Scylla 200 design concept from Scylla mud crab consultancy. Continuing to support their operations and development, together with their commercial partners. UNDP Bangladesh Reviewed a small mud crab aquaculture research project undertaken with funding from UNDP. In addition provided guidelines for sustainable development of mud crab farming in Bangladesh, including training and industry development. FAO manual Commissioned to produce the 2nd Edition of FAO’s mud crab farming manual. This will be produced in collaboration with a few other mud crab hatchery and farming experts. (Image by Myckle Tibubos).
- Capture-based aquaculture. Global overview. | Scylla
< Back Capture-based aquaculture. Global overview. I authored the section within the booklet of Capture-based aquaculture of mud crabs (Scylla spp.) From page 255. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has commissioned the development of a comprehensive manual on Capture-Based Aquaculture of Mud Crabs (Scylla spp.). This manual aims to provide a detailed and accessible resource for aquaculture practitioners, researchers, and policymakers involved in the sustainable cultivation of mud crabs. I authored the section Capture-based aquaculture of mud crabs (Scylla spp.) From page 255. Click on the link below to access the booklet: https://www.fao.org/3/i0254e/i0254e.pdf Previous Next
- Projects | Scylla
Projects PAST PROJECTS FAO expert workshop on mud crab aquaculture Working with the FAO and a small steering committee, organised and ran a workshop in Singapore in late 2023, bringing together over 20 experts from 12 mud crab producing countries to review both the status and future needs of the sector. The proceedings will be published in 2024. Micronesia Designed, constructed, commissioned, and operated a mud crab hatchery in Kosrae, Micronesia. This included farming of mud crabs in mangrove pens and ponds. Included training in post-harvest and packing of crabs and training of local staff in mud crab hatchery and nursery technology. Zanzibar, Tanzania Led a team of specialists that scoped the need for and then designed a multi-species hatchery complex in Zanzibar that included mud crab, milkfish, and sea cucumber components. Bangladesh Reviewed the existing mud crab industry in the country and identified opportunities to establish a sustainable hatchery based mud crab industry in the country, to replace the existing industry based on harvesting wild mud crabs of all sizes that have resulted in significant over-fishing. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Authored a manual on mud crab aquaculture for the FAO of the United Nations. Read it on the link below: https://www.fao.org/3/ba0110e/ba0110e.pdf Myanmar Support the development and modernization of their barramundi hatchery and farming operation, which included the first shipment of fingerlings from Australia, construction of expanded barramundi nursery facilities, establishing farm management software and organising some R&D on the microbiome of mud crab nursery and pond systems in partnership with Kytos. Reviewed and examined opportunities to improve the efficiency and productivity of their soft shell mud crab farming operation and that of their many contract farmers. This included considerations of their raw material supply value chain, logistics, pond design, feeding strategy and operation. Fiji Undertook a feasibility study to establish a mud crab farm. Co-founded and ran a business that included design and operation of a mud crab hatchery and renovation of a farm for pond culture of mud crabs. Successfully marketed crabs to tourist resorts and the food-service sector in Fiji. Malaysia Following the completion of a feasibility study, modified a prawn hatchery into a mud crab hatchery, renovated a run-down prawn farm for crab and prawn farming, and established a soft-shell farming system based on Myanmar-style soft-shell farming system. Operated hatchery and farm as CEO for approximately 3 years. Philippines and Vietnam Reviewed Australian Government investment in mud crab aquaculture technology transfer, research, and development. Singapore Undertook market research on the demand for mud crabs in the Singapore market.